About the artist

Jeffry Armstrong
Painting must just be inside me, somewhere.
I only started painting in about 2007 after I lost someone very dear to me. I didn’t know I could paint at all. I just gave it a try. I grew up with parents who never told me I couldn’t do something. It was always just the opposite. They always said, “you can do it, give it a try!”
I am a self-taught painter with my only lessons being from watching other painters on their websites. Painting reminds me of all the beautiful objects that God put on this earth for us to enjoy. When I am painting, it seems that there is another place, somewhere, that we can slip away to and marvel at how the hours unfold in creating something to behold and enjoy. I am always astounded at how a brush and some paint can reveal the realism that your eye sees.
I painted for a few years and then, got caught up in work and other hobbies. years went by, when I again lost someone that I loved very deeply. I started painting again. Painting gave me the peace and pleasure that I couldn’t find anywhere else. It was a time and place to while away the hours.
I believe that painting can be something to enjoy for anyone who desires to learn. I don’t necessarily think that one must be gifted or talented toward painting to achieve results. Painting can be learned. Talented people may find it a little easier, but anyone can paint. It takes patience and caring enough to invest the hours to gain experience to excel in color mixing and brush strokes which in turn produce results
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder… That is a very true statement!
I hope you enjoy some of my paintings. It gives me great pleasure in producing them. I am trying to keep learning every day.